Software Designed for Law Enforcement
For over 35 years, Police Trak Systems has been designing and developing software applications for Law Enforcement.
We have brought together a diverse team of professionals with a blend of practical law enforcement
skills and many years of experience in criminal justice and police investigations.
As technology evolves, we are driven by one simple philosophy and mission...
See why over 1,000 law enforcement orgainizations world wide have joined us in this mission.
DRUG TRAK - Intelligence Records Management System

More than 600 agencies world-wide have used Drug Trak over the past 36 years, making it the most widely used and longest lasting intelligence records management system in existence.
Drug Trak was designed to make the task of managing intelligence information easier, streamline the workflow and greatly increase the efficiency of narcotics investigators.
Not just for narcotics units, Drug Trak offers intelligence data gathering and analysis tools for any special investigative unit including gang investigators and school resource officers.
Over 180 full color reports and charts are built right into the system for comprehensive, meaningful and easy to interpret analysis of this vital information.
IA TRAK - Internal Affairs Records Management System

IA Trak software provides comprehensive tracking of all your internal affairs cases and complaints while helping you maintain compliance with the requirements of national and state accreditation standards.
IA Trak was originally designed and developed by the Institute of Police Technology and Management based upon feedback from instructors and students of their Internal Affairs Investigations courses to provide a broad range of early intervention and personnel complaint review features.
In it's fifth major version since 1989, IA Trak includes Case Management, Complaint Tracking and a fully customizable early warning system for Use of Force, Pursuits, Employee Crashes, Prisoner Injuries and much more. Comprehensive reporting and charting features have been built into the system to provide proof of compliance with standards established by the National Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies as well as most state law enforcement accreditation standards.
See why nearly 100 law enforcement agencies across the country rely on IA Trak for their Internal Affairs and Professional Standards recordkeeping.
TRAINING TRAK - Training Records Management System

Training Trak was developed to provide an automated system for law enforcement agencies to keep track of all their police and civilian training records.
We understand the mandates that require law enforcement officers to continue their education in many diverse and specialized areas. We also recognize that law enforcement agencies must maintain meticulous records and documentation of each employee's training history. Training Trak maintains all records associated with training classes and certifications for state and local requirements, mandatory training and incentive pay.
Comprehensive reporting and charting built into the system provides detailed analysis of the training your officers have had, as well as determining which officers have not had specific required training. Training Trak also includes modules designed to track the costs associated with training such as tuition and travel, which allows you to easily categorize and track all of these expenses and stay within budgetary constraints as well as helping to determine future budgetary needs for the agency's training.